Thursday, March 3, 2022

March 3rd, Tuesday 10:38

 I once had a samurai who took good care of me.

But I had to let him go, he knows what he did.

Sometimes I think about him and his whereabouts

but then I remember, it’s him who needs to know where I am, not the other way around.

His home is still in my heart, but like a watercolor painting, 

the memory of him is also fading.

It’s best this way, I tell myself…

Because his home 





Friday, February 4, 2022

February 4, Friday 23:29

Cómo descascarar a un hombre con la intención de amarlo sin ataduras.

Es fácil amarlo con la mezquina intención de sentir amor, sin importar lo que este amor le cause.

Sunday, January 2, 2022

Sunday 16:59, January 2 2022

Una vez mas me encuentro perdida entre las ramas del amor.

Se siente como el pasto alto, inofensivo, pero te cubre la mirada. Estoy entre vivir apasionadamente el día a día y entre planear my future and stick to a plan.

Siento que no he escrito de ti porque nunca pensé que llegaría a tomarte tan en serio. A veces es difícil creer que alguien te puede querer tanto. La verdad es que no se porque me quieres tanto.

A veces me siento desconectada por mi incapacidad de creerte de verdad. Siempre pongo todo en duda, porque seré así? Porque no puedo simplemente creer y dejar que el golpe al final de la caída me despierte? Si al final aunque duela, eso es lo que busco, vivir la experiencia humana. “Una vida llena de emociones”.

Me había pasado que antes una persona le puso a su hija mi nombre. Pero nunca nadie había puesto tantas cosas de mi en su cuerpo, en forma de arte, como lo hiciste tu.

Me siento especial, pero inapropiada de que sea yo, quien te quiere, pero no hace nada por ti mas que solamente quererte.

Siento que me ayudas a entender como se ve el amor con otros lentes, siento que gracias a ti he aprendido a recibir unapologetically.

En un momento pense que tu inexperiencia me aburriría, pero justo cuando piense en eso, me demostraste que “la experiencia de vivir” no necesariamente te enseña, pero the willingness to learn is what actually teaches you something.

Estoy intentando desanudar mis pensamientos. Ha pasado mucho tiempo desde que escribí la ultima vez. Siento que olvide como escribir.

Quizás debería empezar con un “gracias”.

Friday, August 27, 2021

Saturday, August 21, 2021

August 21, Saturday 23:33

 Did we have an eclipse today?

Please help me find answers on how to deal with my emotions, bothered by other people’s dirty water.

  1. There is nothing about love that I cannot understand

How can I let others who are close to me know that I am a safe space for them? For when they feel lonely, tired or embarrassed.

For those who put up walls in order to shelter themselves in their own loving arms.

  1. What you don’t change, you accept.

How can I accept friends who are so deeply against my beliefs?

How can I live in peace when these beliefs so profoundly impact my life?

  1. Soulmates meet, for they have the same hiding places.

Love is a beautiful thing. It’s bright, and sweet, and soothing when conquered.

Love is a game that no one wants to play, but always stay when they’re winning.

Love is sometimes misunderstood and underrated for those who have not yet seen the results of its effects.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Tuesday 11:11, December 22 2020

 Aced my exam on gratitude

And it didn’t necessarily include the question “what are you grateful for?”

This time I had to show my work... As if Life could possibly ever test you on something in any other way...

This time I had to take action and do something I wasn’t planning on doing, but the fact that I was able to do it, only means that I understand what true gratitude is, and it also means that I have began to understand and feel what true love is, and what self-forgiveness is.

I am at peace, because it was never about the answer I’d get, but about my own power to come forth and break walls.

Walls that I needed to push through, because I needed to prove that I am grateful for the life experiences I’ve had.

I hate binary oppositions, but I’m glad they exist; otherwise, I wouldn’t be able to feel gratitude for those things I didn’t want at the moment, but now I know they happened because I really needed them. So, thanks. Again.

Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Tuesday 23:18, November 17th 2020

I don’t know where to start. I’m sorry. Thank you.

Maybe today is when I start my countdown.

It’s been some really weird few years, but I believe it’s all been a blessing in disguise.

At first I thought I was being punished, I had been taken to prison. But really, I had been taken into a safe haven, for protection, it had never been a punishment, but it has always been about me and about what surrounds me.

But just like stories go about life in prison, I have gone through ups and downs. Moments of peace and happiness, like making new friends or finding love; meeting people who are so different from you; making wild choices and trying new things; letting go of bad friends; and having good friends say their forever goodbyes. I’ve thought about the reason why we’ve been sent to the same place at the same time.

I wish I could explain.

I wish I could remember every single detail and talk about every piece of evidence that makes me believe that this journey has been, in reality, a spiritual experience. I hope I can talk about it one day.